
How can we help you?

We’re often asked what services we offer at What’s Your Problem? And we like to think that our services are really summed up in the name of our company. If you’ve got a problem, come and talk to us. We were set up to make the lives of people in Torbay easier. We offer confidential, […]

What happens when you contact us?

When you call our office on 01803 524044, the first person you will speak to is Karen. She is our receptionist and she will explain to you that your first consultation is free. Karen will take some basic information from you so we can work out who in our team is the best person to help […]

Is What’s Your Problem a charity?

As the Founder of What’s Your Problem?, I am often asked this question when clients contact us, as they say they have been referred to the ‘charity’ What’s Your Problem?, in Paignton. We then explain that we are not a charity at all, we’re actually a social enterprise and we say that with pride. What’s […]

Fighting for your benefits? Affordable help is available

If you believe a decision about your benefit entitlement is wrong and you appeal the decision, then you may need to attend a formal setting like a magistrates’ court to have your case heard by the tribunal. Understandably this can be a daunting experience, so it’s reassuring if you can have a knowledgeable person there […]

Do I need a solicitor?

I’m Angie Manning, Founder of What’s Your Problem? and from time to time in my work I speak to professionals who I greatly respect and hear them say something like ‘but they don’t need a solicitor for that, it’s just directions or it’s just a small claim’, but my own view is that if you […]

What is counselling and when do you need it?

In general people don’t consider a need for counselling until they are facing a struggle where their ways of responding are no longer effective. Many people also believe that counselling or psychotherapy is an admission of failure, weakness or to be reserved for times of crisis. It’s true that you may choose to seek counselling when you […]