When you call our office on 01803 524044, the first person you will speak to is Karen. She is our receptionist and she will explain to you that your first consultation is free. Karen will take some basic information from you so we can work out who in our team is the best person to help you with your problem. If Karen is already on the phone, then you might speak to another member of the team or you might go through to our voicemail, but don’t worry we check our voicemails regularly so we will still deal with your enquiry quickly. If we identify that there is a conflict of interest, we may not be able to assist you and we may have to signpost you to another service but this doesn’t happen very often.

Next, the best person to deal with your enquiry will call you back the same day. Our team all work together  in the same office and we dedicate time each day to offer free consultations, so you will receive a call from us the same day that you contact us, unless you have requested that we contact you on a different day.

If you have a family issue such as child arrangements, divorce, domestic violence or counselling then it will probably be Angie our founder who gives you a call, as she deals with most of our family issues. If your query is related to civil proceedings or benefits and welfare then it could be Angie or our welfare specialist Nick that calls you, as he deals with most of those enquiries.

We will telephone you to find out more information and discuss your options with you. If your enquiry is urgent – for example you have a court hearing that day or someone is at risk of harm then please let Karen know when you call and we will try and help you straight away.  There are other ways to contact us,  you can email us at info@whatsyourproblem.org.uk or you can text/WhatsApp us on 07710 119457 and Karen will give you a call.

During the free telephone consultation we will answer any questions you have, identify all possible sources of help for you, find out if there are other services that you might need to be referred to and try our best to resolve your problem within that first call. If you need legal advice we will offer you an appointment at our next access to justice day where you can sit down with a barrister. If we agree that there is further and possibly ongoing support that you need then we will offer you a face to face appointment, charged at £50. If there is any funding available for the type of problem you are facing then we will let you know and discuss whether you qualify for free support or concessional rates.

If we agree that you need ongoing support then we will arrange to meet you at our offices in Paignton. We are on the second floor, so if stairs are an issue please let us know and we will arrange to see you on the ground floor. The length of the appointment will vary depending on the help you need but there is usually a nice cup of tea or coffee involved. If you need to write a letter of claim for example then we can help you to write this and include all the relevant information. If you need to make an application, a claim to the court or an appeal to the tribunal, then we can help you to draft this and prepare it ready to go to court. If you have a hearing already scheduled then we can help you prepare for this and we will probably ask to see any previous papers or court orders so that we can understand where you are in the proceedings. If you need legal representation at a hearing we can find out who is available and help you to agree an affordable fee. If this is not possible then we can make arrangements to come to court with you to offer support or lay representation in the small claims court. We will provide you with our terms and conditions and privacy notice and ask you to sign a consent form for us to keep. We will also discuss payment arrangements and set up a file for you.

Whatever problem you are facing we will work you to try and find the best solution, keeping the cost affordable and avoiding court proceedings wherever possible.

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"I was given Angie Manning’s number to contact as I was desperate and didn’t know where to turn. I was in the middle of divorce proceedings and needed help to get a financial order. This was an extremely stressful situation as I had been left homeless with no income. I tried to apply for legal aid, but the process was so complicated and I had no money to go through further legal channels. When I met Angie I had no clue where to start, let alone how to process applications or statements. Without her help, strength and support both professionally and emotionally I would not have survived this process and I will be eternally grateful.”

"My life is about to move into another stage thanks to Angie from What’s Your Problem? Angie has been working to set me free from a very stressful situation for over 3 years. At times I thought I’d never get through it all but Angie has always been on the end of the phone, text or email when life was at its worst. Her professionalism and direct train of thought cleared the path to make way to our goal. I wouldn’t have got through this without Angie and What’s Your Problem?, I will always be in her debt and I can’t recommend her and her work enough.”

“Wow is my first word of this review, I could go on and on and write pages of wonderful positive things I have learnt and experienced working with Kirsty. But to keep it short I am amazed at how I feel how I have new techniques to use to help assist me in my future. Kirsty knows her stuff and I have gained more in the months I have been with Kirsty than the years of other therapies I have done in the past. No luck needed for Kirsty as she is truly an amazingly gifted woman.”

“The service Angie offered was invaluable to me when seeking a divorce. I couldn’t afford expensive solicitors fees therefore the service she provided was ideal. Angie was always very professional & dealt with any issues promptly & efficiently. I would certainly recommend her services to others.
Thanks once again Angie, couldn’t have done it without you!”
Ms P

"I was really happy with the professional service I received it was exactly as described and very efficient.”
Mrs R

"The agency I was renting my hospital accommodation through were directly taking council tax out of my wages even though as a Nurse I was exempt from paying it. I provided evidence and they stopped taking the money out of my wages yet they refused to reimburse the 18 months I had already paid. I spoke to Angie who wrote them a letter and then called them and they've refunded all my back dated money. Nice little extra to put towards my new car!”
Mrs E

"Angie helped me to write an official letter regarding land we own. She did so professionally and non confrontational that it got us the result we wished for. Angie is a great lady and a If she can help, she will.”
Mrs R

“Thanks to Angie at What’s your Problem?, she helped me through a very difficult time for me and my family. She’s very approachable, friendly and extremely helpful. I would recommend this service to anyone. Thank you.”

“The robust Community Interest Company which was created to protect local and wider society members at their most vulnerable times. They protect your interest with all their might and you will soon feel as if they were part of your family. It is like using very down to earth knowledgeable lawyers that don’t cost you an arm and a leg and just as good if not better. They also may give you a ring to make sure you are ok when you are having hard times, even if it is a Christmas Day – because they really care.This was from my own experience. Angie played such part in my life that I will never forget her and what she has done for me. It’s shame I can only give them 5 stars as I would give them all stars in the sky.”

“In September of last year I was faced with solicitors letters and court proceedings from my sons father to whom I had separated from. My low-income was stopping me from getting the help I needed. I contacted Angie Manning, her non judgmental support and caring attitude put me at ease straight away. I was happy to receive her support and guidance. She and her team have helped me considerably through-out the last 9 months. The advice and her understanding have been second to none, she and her team went to great lengths to support me and my family in what I can only call an extremely stressful time. She has brought the joy and positive future back to my son and I and hope she will continue to help many families and situations in the future. I feel very honoured to have received the services from ‘whatsyourproblemtorbay’ and it’s reassuring they will continue to help vulnerable people in times of need.”

“The way a court works and the all the paperwork was completely alien to me and when it is necessary to learn all of this for the most important reason, my children’s future, I was a complete fish out of water and very panicked- I really had no idea how to prepare bundles and how to get my points and feelings and worries across in a court environment. Angie was amazing she helped me with everything, she organised me , and all my paper work and she was there in person many times to support me in court and when she was there she really helped me to feel more at ease in a really frightening and stressful situation. Not only has Angie helped me in so many practical ways she helped to change the future for my children. She has enhanced their little lives by giving their mother the tools to get all the right and important facts across to the court. Myself and my family will be forever grateful to her for all the time she has put into helping us so successfully. Mrs H

“Ms Manning is a professional experienced legal advocate; assisting and supporting me through some very difficult times. Her attention to detail, patience and communication is faultless. My personal situation has been challenging and Ms Manning has successfully represented me, submitted documents to authorities, and followed through on promises made with successful outcomes. She represents the ‘little people’ who need help and is a legal angel. I was lost in a litigious fog not knowing which way to turn. Ms Manning has, in a very short time frame, given concise and experienced counsel and the fog has lifted. I would recommend her services to anyone who needs legal support and counsel. Mrs M

A chance meeting introduced us to Angie Manning who had recently set up her new business offering affordable legal support. This encounter has proved invaluable as it came at a time when the defendant in the case I was taking through the small claims procedure had the finances to enroll a solicitor. Angie’s legal experience brings re-assurance and her friendly manner puts you at ease. She makes you feel valued and that makes a difference. I would recommend Angie without hesitation. Mrs D

I am so thankful for all the help you have provided and given me over the past just under 2 years. The work you do and the help you give people is just incredible. Thank you again so much, I will forever be grateful. Ms P

"I learned of What's Your Problem by word of mouth. I was lost in unknown territory after family mediation came to an end without reaching any agreements with my ex-wife. I was extremely nervous about starting court proceedings to get time with my children. Angie immediately put me at ease with an initial friendly chat about my situation and then helped me to make some key early decisions about how I wanted to move forwards. Angie was able to explain options that I was previously unaware of including appointing a 'direct access' barrister. Angie accompanied me to my first hearing and kept me going, helping me to stay focused when my anxiety levels were very high. My case was difficult to resolve and took several hearings including going through the covid lockdown period. Having Angie on the other end of the phone was invaluable to me during that difficult and lonely time. I'm very pleased to be able to say that the end result was that I was able to get precisely the arrangement I was hoping for at court. Now, two years on I can look back and see how the support I received from What's Your Problem was exactly what I needed and I cannot recommend the service highly enough."

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you and your team for all the help and support you have given me. 
Without your help, support, patience and guidance I would never have been able to complete my paperwork. 
As you were aware I suffer many challenges and illnesses. You always made sure to fit me in when I was able to attend. Made sure I felt safe and comfortable. You went above and beyond to assist me and for this, I will be forever grateful and so appreciative. 
The work you do for so many people like myself is such a blessing and I'm so very glad that I was referred to you and that you do what you do. 
I thank you.

Nooo, thank you for giving me your precious time this afternoon. I can't thank you enough Richard.

I simply couldn't have filled a single page of that form in without you talking thru the questions and me talking thru what I felt before me writing it all down.

You are a priceless man, and I feel blessed to have you guide me thru this process to the end.

My kindest sincere thanks Richard.

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